Setting up the system

  1. To begin setting up the system, select the "Setup" tab and click on "System"


  2. The user will then be taken to the Strategy Setup page, from which users will be able to configure the organisations strategic framework. To begin setting up the framework, click on "Create"


  3. The Organization Cycle dialogue box will appear. Select the relevant type of strategic framework from the "Framework" drop down list.


  4. Fill in the relevant details regarding the organizations strategic cycle. Click on "Create" to save changes.


  5. Once the strategic framework and cycle have been created, the user may proceed with setting up the Performance Cycle. To begin doing so, click on "Performance" and then click on "Create".


  6.  A dialogue box will appear at the bottom of the page, wherein users will be able to input the details regarding the Performance Cycle.


  7. Once the details have been filled in, click on "Create" to save changes and create the performance cycle.
